generally, i believe in responsible voting; one should really take the time to figure out if the candidates know what the fuck they are doing. however, sometimes i just feel like all is futile and it wouldn't matter if i wrote in saaaaay, douglas moylan's name in every write-in space on the ballot (and so what if i did??). however, i have to admit i gave one vote to someone that i was on the fence about, and i mainly gave it to that person because the other day i was driving towards work and stuck near hafa adai exchange; i saw that there was someone doing one of the those drive and wave campaigning thingies at the itc intersection. i couldn't quite tell who it was, but when the candidate turned, i thought, "hey, that looks like [redacted]'s ass." and as i drove by, what do you know? it was [redacted]'s ass after all. wow, you could almost literally see [redacted]'s ass from a mile away. i sort of felt bad because the last time i saw this candidate, i had to think hard to remember who this person was; however, i would recognize this person's ass anywhere.
sooo...i felt a little bad about this and that was enough to tip a vote in that person's favour. sad, sad, sad.
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